A testing event has the following areas/people:

  • Seating area to watch the testing
  • Open area for testing
  • Areas marked on the floor (normally tape) for the tester to stand.
    • Known as their "number".  Even though there are no numbers.  Test conductor will call number locations and point to where the student stands.
  • One or more judges sitting at a head table.
    • The Judges will watch the testers to determine pass or failure
  • One conductor to the right of the judging table
    • The Conductor gives the commands to the testers
  • Testing Assitancts
    • Students that are not testing but help with testing: demonstrations, board holding, etc.


Conductor's Copy of Testing:  Is a document that lists what the testers perform during their testing.  This is an guideline of testing.  The judges can deviate from this guideline.