61 Movements

Parallel Ready Stance

1. Turn the face to B while forming a right bending ready A (half facing) toward B. Perform in a slow motion.

2. Execute a middle side piercing kick to B with the left foot. Perform in a slow motion.

3. Execute a middle side piercing kick to B with the left foot. Perform 2 and 3 in a double kick.

4. Lower the left foot to B to form a sitting stance (full facing) toward D while executing a middle thrust to D with the right flat fingertip.

5. Execute a high reverse hooking kick to B with the right foot. Perform in a slow motion.

6. Lower the right foot to B in a stamping motion to form a right X-stance toward  (side facing) C while executing a middle side strike to B with the right knife-hand.

7. Move the left foot to A forming a left walking stance (full facing) toward A while executing a pressing block to A with the right palm.

8. Move the right foot to A to form a right walking stance (full facing) toward A at the same time executing a pressing block with the left palm.

9. Execute a high side block to B with the left knife-hand and a low side block to A with the right knife-hand while forming a right one-leg stance (full facing) toward D, pulling the left foot to the right knee joint. Perform in slow motion.

10. Lower the left foot to the right foot and then turn the face to A while forming a left bending ready stance A  (half facing) toward A. Perform in slow motion.

11. Execute a middle side piercing kick to A with the right foot. Perform in a slow motion.

12. Execute a middle side piercing kick to A with the right foot. Perform 11 and 12 in a double kick.

13. Lower the right foot to a to form a sitting stance (full facing) toward D while executing a middle thrust to D with the left flat fingertip.

14. Execute a high reverse hooking kick to A with the left foot. Perform in a slow motion.

15. Lower the left foot to A in a stamping motion to form a left X-stance  (side facing) toward C while executing a middle side strike to A with the left knife-hand.

16. Move the right foot to B forming a right walking stance  (full facing) toward B while executing a pressing block to B with the left palm.

17. Move the left foot to B to form a left walking stance (full facing) toward B at the same time executing a pressing block with the right palm.

18. Execute a high side block to A with the right knife-hand and a low side block to B with the left knife-hand while forming a left one-leg stance (full facing) toward D, pulling the right foot. Perform in slow motion.

19. Turn the face to C while forming a left bending ready stance B (full facing) toward D.

20. Execute a middle back piercing kick to C with the right foot. Perform in slow motion.

21. Lower the right foot to C to form a left walking stance (full facing) toward D while executing a middle punch to D with the right fist.

22. Turn the face to C while forming a right bending ready stance B (full facing) toward D.

23. Execute a middle back piercing kick to C with the left foot. Perform in slow motion.

24. Lower the left foot to C to form a right walking stance  (full facing) toward D while executing a middle punch to D with the left fist.

25. Slide to C forming a right rear foot stance (half facing) toward D while executing a downward block with the left palm.

26. Execute a middle side front snap kick to D with the left foot keeping the position of the hands as they were in 25.

27. Lower the left foot to D and then move the right foot to C in a stamping motion to form a sitting stance (side facing) toward A while executing a middle side strike to C with the right side fist.

28. Slide to C maintaining a sitting stance  (full facing) toward A while executing a scooping block with the left palm.

29. Execute a middle punch to A with the right fist while maintaining a sitting stance (full facing) toward A. Perform 28 and 29 in a continuous motion.

30. Execute a low side block to D with the left knife-hand while maintaining a sitting stance (side facing) toward A.

31. Move the left foot just beyond the right foot in a quick motion while executing a middle side pushing kick to C with the right foot.

32. Lower the right foot to C and then execute a high reverse turning kick to C with the left foot.

33. Lower the left foot to C to form a left walking stance (half facing) toward C while executing a high side block to C with the left knife-hand.

34. Slide to D forming a left rear foot stance (half facing) toward C while executing a downward block with the right palm.

35. Execute a middle side front snap kick to C with the right foot keeping the position of the hands as they were in 34.

36. Lower the right foot to C and then move the left foot to D in a stamping motion to form a sitting stance (side facing) toward A while executing a middle side strike to D with the left side fist.

37. Slide to D maintaining a sitting stance (full facing) toward A while executing a scooping block with the right palm.

38. Execute a middle punch to A with the left fist while maintaining a sitting stance (full facing) toward A. Perform 37 and 38 in a connecting motion.

39. Execute a low side block to C with the right knife-hand while maintaining a sitting stance (side facing) toward A.

40. Move the right foot just beyond the left foot in a quick motion while executing a middle side pushing kick to D with the left foot.

41. Lower the left foot to D and then execute a high reverse turning kick to D with the right foot.

42. Lower the right foot to D to form a right walking stance (half facing) toward D while executing a high side block to D with the right knife-hand.

43. Move the left foot to D and then execute a high twisting kick to AD with the right foot.

44. Lower the right foot to C forming a left walking stance  (half facing) toward D while executing a side back strike to C with the right back fist and extending the left fist to D.

45. Execute a front strike to D with the right back fist while shifting to C maintaining a left walking stance (full facing) toward D.

46. Move the right foot to D and then execute a high twisting kick to BD with the left foot.

47. Lower the left foot to C to form a right walking stance  (half facing) toward D while executing a side back strike to C with the left back fist and extending the right fist to D.

48. Execute a front strike to D with the left back fist while shifting to C maintaining a right walking stance  (full facing) toward D.

49. Execute a sweeping kick to D with the left side sole keeping the position of the hands as they were in 48 and then lower it to D forming a right L-stance (half facing) toward D while executing a middle guarding block to D with the forearm.

50. Execute a side checking kick to D and then again a middle side thrusting kick to D with the left foot forming a forearm guarding block. Perform in a double kick.

51. Lower the left foot to D forming a right L-stance (half facing) toward D while executing a middle outward strike to D with the left knife-hand.

52. Execute a sweeping kick to D with the right side sole and then lower it to D to form a left L-stance toward D while executing a middle guarding block to D with the forearm.

53. Execute a side checking kick to D and then again a middle side thrusting kick to D with the right foot forming a forearm guarding block. Perform in a double kick.

54. Lower the right foot to D forming a left L-stance (half facing) toward D while executing a middle outward strike to D with the right knife-hand.

55. Move the right foot to C and then turn counter clockwise pivoting with the right foot to form a left walking stance (full facing) toward C while executing a middle punch to C with the right fist.

56. Jump to C to form a right X-stance (half facing) toward AC while executing a low punch to C with the left fist and bringing the right fist on the left shoulder.

57. Jump to D forming a left X-stance (half facing) toward AD while executing a low punch to D with the right fist and bringing the left fist on the right shoulder.

58. Jump to execute a mid-air kick to D with the right foot while spinning clockwise. [kihap]

59. Land to D to form a left L-stance (half facing) toward D while executing a middle guarding block to D with a knife-hand.

60. Move the right foot to the side rear of the left foot and then the left foot to C to form a right walking stance (full facing) toward D while executing a rising block with the left arc-hand.

61. Execute a high punch to D with the right fist while maintaining a right walking stance  (full facing) toward D.

End. Bring the right foot back to a ready posture.