Instructor Level 

The following lists the different levels of instructors at Vail Taekwon-Do.  The items listed are not requirements but responsibilities of an instructor.   Only the head instructor can officially promote someone to an instructor level.   Instructors and Master Instructors can nominate someone to become an instructor or promoted to the next level of instructor.

Student Instructor (level 1):  

Minimum Age: 9  

Minimum Rank: 7th Gup

Designation: Verbal recognition

Assisting with at least 1 class per week.  

Train in 2 classes per week.  

Lines up in class with other students either by rank or at the back.

Assigned during class to help teach/guide other students in their practice.

Assist with and participate in demos and promotional events.  

Assist with testings and compete in our tournaments.

Assist with event set up or clean up.   

Assistant Instructor (level 2):  

Minimum Age: 13  

Minimum Rank: 1st Dan

Designation: Red stripe on lapel

Assisting with at least 1 class per week.  

Train in 2 classes per week.

May award skill stripes up to green belt

Helps lead instructor for the class in whatever capacity     

Can be the lead instructor by request of the Head instructor 

Assist with and participate in demos and promotional events.  

Assist with all testings and competitions.   

Assist with event set up or clean up. 


Instructor (level 3):  

Minimum Age: 15  

Minimum Rank: 2nd Dan

Designation: Black stripe on lapel

Assisting with at least 2 classes per week.  

Train in 2 classes per week.

May award all skill stripes

Can be assigned as lead instructor of a class 

Reports behavioral issues to higher level instructor

Assist with and participate in demos and promotional events.  

Assist with all testings and competitions.   

Assist with event set up or clean up.  

Master Instructor (level 4):

Minimum Age: 21  

Minimum Rank: 4th Dan  

Designation: Black stripe on lapel and black stripe on pants.

Assisting or leading at least 2 classes per week.

Can approve testing for black belts

Can remove skill stripes due to behavior issues  

Assist with and participate in demos and promotional events.

Assist with all testings and competitions.  

Assist with event set up or clean up.  


Head Instructor (level 5):

Minimum Age: 21  

Minimum Rank: 4th Dan  

Designation: Black stripe on lapel and black stripe on pants.

There is only 1 head instructor

This person is the one that runs the school.  Normally the school owner

Can take belt from student due to behavior issues

Final say on approval for black belt testing

Can override testing requirements.


Lead Instructor:

The Lead Instructor is not an instructor level.  It is the Instructor that is in charge of running a given class.   Assistant Instructor and higher can be Lead Instructors.   The highest ranking instructor is normally the Lead Instructor.   

During a class Lead Instructor can change.   The lead can be passed to another instructor.   The instructors bow to each other.  When switching who is lead instructor. 

Student Level

There are two levels of students, standard and shining star students.


Shining star student is a student that:

  • Helps with class setup or clean up without being asked
  • Helps other students before or after class without being asked
  • Trains extra hard and shows great progress
  • Exemplifies the tenets of Taekwon-Do in the Do-Jang or in life, for example, showing exceptional courtesy in class by showing good behavior when others nearby are being disruptive or distracting
  • Helps the school in an unexpected way


A shining star student is awarded with a silver stripe on the left side of their belt.  They can earn only 1 silver star strip every 2 weeks.  If they earn a 5th stripe they instead get a gold stripe and win a spin of the prize wheel.


A Master instructor can award a shining star stripe with approval from the Head Instructor.  An instructor can suggest a student for a shining star stripe.